Speed vs. Precision

Although I am honestly more of a Marvel guy, I do love watching DC-themed TV shows such as Arrow and the Flash, and one of the best things that happened is a crossover between the two TV shows.

What makes the crossover really interesting (aside from the appearance of both Arrow and Flash) is you get to understand the speed versus precision argument. We all know that the Flash is known for his speed, while the Arrow (Green Arrow specifically) is known for his precision with his arrows, but who is the better one?

To be fair enough, both speed and precision have advantages and disadvantages. Speed makes you do things more quickly, makes you more efficient, and makes multitasking better. Precision, on the other hand, makes you care for details, focus on accuracy, and produces much better results. Speed may not not produce quality results, while precision makes you do less. During their training in the Flash crossover episode, the Flash may have avoided the Arrow’s barrage of arrow shots, but misses the arrow that hit him in the back. In the Arrow crossover, the Arrow may not have stopped Captain Boomerang’s plans of detonating his bombs (that was set in five different locations) if not for the Flash’s speed and multitasking abilities. Even with the battle between the two, I could not exactly say that one is superior than the other.

One thing is clear though: Through their team-up in both crossover episodes, they were able to overcome the bad guys much easier, and that both the Flash and the Arrow were able to utilize their respective talents, both in fighting criminals, and in sharing some real-life advice. Oliver Queen may be the more serious type and Barry Allen may be the more humorous type, but their personalities do not necessarily clash with one another. In fact, they were able to help one another in improving their respective selves. After all, their personalities may differ (the same applies with their respective team members), but in the end they harmonize with one another.

As much as I am starting to become a DC Comics fan thanks to the Flash and Arrow TV shows, the debate on speed and precision can be applied in real life as well. Although most would choose precision over speed, I initially chose speed over precision as I believe in the power of multitasking. With multitasking as one of my known traits, choosing speed over precision is no surprise for me, even if most of my friends would actually choose precision over speed. I have applied my multitasking skills practically everywhere: from school to work, to even doing house chores.

However, like what Oliver pointed out to Barry, speed does have its limitations as you tend to miss the details. This is evident as the Flash would tend to miss out on a guy, which the Arrow would just take down. My friends do have a point in choosing precision over speed, as attention to detail would always reign supreme. Yet at the end of the day, even if one chooses speed over precision and vice versa, both are needed in life as evident with the crossover episodes of Arrow and Flash. Balancing one over the other may look to be too idealistic, but I believe it is possible even if in reality one would usually overpower the other.

I do wish there would be more crossover episodes like this, as it makes watching both TV shows more interesting. Arrow’s dark nature and Flash’s lighter nature does harmonize with one another. DC Comics is definitely doing a good job with its TV series, just as how Marvel Comics is doing a good job with its movie franchises. Now I am excited with new characters that will appear in both Arrow and Flash.

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